Tuscany's classic landscape - The bucolic rolling hills, the countless tones of green, the quaint hilltop villages, the narrow dirt paths lined with cypress all standing next to each other in precise order and distance, Tuscan Countryside wins the title of being "Forever Classic ".
With three seasons in a day, I would say we were fortunate to experience different light conditions and shoot in some magical light & cloud combinations, which were momentary but worth every second. We explored the countrysides for close to six days covering several locations at best possible times of the day.
(Please click on each image to scroll & for full screen viewing).
The first morning rays which decided to show up after 2 days, the small window of light did not last beyond 7-8 minutes |
The light was flat, but not the scenes ! |
Some crazy moments in the poppy fields after drowning in the greens! |
Pienza town at a distance |
A personal favorite, love the light and the dreary grey combination. This light lasted not more than 10 seconds and showed up again but on a different patch .This mood continued for a while . |
San Quirico d'Orcia at sunset |
Drama around the Sunset |
Your feedbacks, comments or queries are welcome .